Window & Gutter Clearing In Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire


Here at Splash & Sparkle we regularly serve customers in Beaconsfield with all of our services.

The property above called us in to carry out a full clean including:

  • Window Cleaning
  • Gutter Clearing – For which we used our Gutter Vac System
  • Gutter, Soffit & Fascia Cleaning
  • Cladding Cleaning

All of our services are carried out from the safety of the ground, wherever possible.

We invest in & utilize state of the art cleaning equipment such as our Gutter Vac System, allowing us to clear gutters to a height of approx 40ft (4 Stories) with our feet firmly on the ground.

We use a water fed pole cleaning system allowing us to clean windows, including the frames up to 3 stories high – we can even reach those awkward windows above conservatories!

If you are looking for a Reliable, Guaranteed & Fully Insured Window, Gutter or Conservatory Cleaning Service in Beaconsfield then do not hesitate to call us, anytime on 01494 355001.

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