Tips for Choosing a Great Gutter Cleaning Company

Your gutters need regular cleaning and maintenance but you are probably too busy to do so. If you keep procrastinating until when you have enough time to handle the cleaning, you may have more what you bargained for. Your gutter may be blocked. 


Rather than take the unnecessary risk, consider hiring a gutter cleaning company to get the job done while you attend to other things that demand for your time. 

However, not every gutter cleaning company can do a thorough job. Some are scams; they promise what they can’t deliver. 

However, to avoid such scams and get real value for your money, consider the following factors when looking for a company to help you keep your gutters clean: 

1. Consider their Experience

When shopping for a professional cleaning agency, the years of experience of such agency deserves your attention. Hire a cleaning firm that has been in the business for years. If the company still exists after several years in the business, there are more satisfied customers than aggrieved one out there. That’s a clue. 

2. Does the Company Carry Insurance?

Don’t ignore this when hiring a cleaning company. The agency you want to bring home for the cleaning must carry insurance if it is to be taken seriously. A cleaning agency will use ladders to access your roof. That means something. Although they are professionals and may have received enough training about safety precautions, accidents do happen. 

Ask the company if it carries insurance. Find out how much coverage the company has. Does the insurance cover being on your roof or not? Find out all these details and more. 

It is not out of place to ask for proof of insurance. That’ playing it safe. If the company doesn’t have, you may have to try somewhere else. 

3. Consider their Customer Service

Regardless of how professional a cleaning agency is, you may have reasons to request for their assistance. If their customer service is nothing to write home about, that’s a red flag. 

Start paying attention to this part of their service when trying to book an appointment with them. How do they respond to your request? When talking to them on the phone, do they sound caring or nonchalant? Put all these factors into consideration, they will give you an idea of what to expect when dealing with them. 

4. Check Online Reviews

Looking at a company’s online reviews will also help you to decide if the company is for you or not. Visit some sites such as Angie’s List or Yelp and get reviews about a firm. A company with a long track of negative responses from current or former users won’t be the ideal agency to handle your cleaning. On the other hand, if there are tons of happy customers, what are you waiting for?

5. Easy Accessibility

How accessible the company is should also be considered. It is advisable to hire a company in your neighborhood, one you can have direct access to. 

Some issues that need urgent attention may arise after the cleaning. An agency from hundreds of miles away may not be readily available to fix the issues once the staff is gone. 

Here at Splash & Sparkle we specialise in clearing of all gutters, no matter how high or how awkward.

Call us today on 01494 3553001 for a fast and friendly gutter cleaning service.

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